
SAD in the Pacific Northwest

SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder, is real. Maybe you’ve heard of it, maybe you haven’t. Basically, some people feel slightly depressed when they do not see the sun for days on end. It happens most frequently in the winter months when snow, clouds and other seasonal happenings block the sun’s warming rays. You can get symptoms ranging from irritability and carb carvings to fatigue and depression. It stinks, but there are ways to combat it.

1.    Get out and get some exercise when you do see the sun. It doesn’t rain all the time in the Pacific Northwest. We do see the sun on occasion. Take advantage of it and go for a walk. Get out your bike and go for a spin. Lace up those rollerblades and hit the park. As an added bonus, exercise helps fight those carb carvings and wards off depression.


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