
New Study Finds Educated Republicans Less Likely to Believe in Man-Made Climate Change

...which just goes to show it all depends on what kind of education one is getting.

There’s a problem of perception in this country, and it’s not getting any better, particularly given the fact that we’re in an election year. The problem is that, according to much of the media and politique, there’s still controversy over man-made global warming. There’s still an amazing number of news outlets, pundits, and politicians willing to consider the issue of man-made climate change unresolved. This is largely because the steps needed to be taken by the U.S. and other nations (many of whom are already taking these steps) place the burden on industries and threaten certain markets (principally those of gas, oil, and manufacturing companies). The result is that there is an over-emphasis in media and, subsequently, the groups within the larger public on what little controversy there is left on the subject of human activity and global warming.


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