Sarah Palin and "Restoring America"

Sarah Palin and "Restoring America"

Will Sarah Palin Run for President? Will She Align Herself with Karl Rove?


All of the fine people of this great nation waiting to see Sarah Palin speak on Sunday the third at “Restoring America” don’t need to worry any more. So, stop fretting. The word from the campaign, oh sorry, I mean the official Tea Party itself, is that she will still speak on Sunday. 

And what I truthfully love about Sarah Palin and her posse of crazy oil bandits is how any little error she or they make is just because they are “naive” and not because they are totally and completely incompetent jackasses who don’t know what they are doing. That applies to Tea Party members as well. The more blunders they make, the more appealing it is supposed to be to the American public.


Because everyone wants an incompetent political party running the show in Washington, right? I mean, it’s so much better to have a bunch of nitwits running around complaining and looking like idiots than it is to have truthful leaders who know how to keep the country running. 


Here’s a little quote from Ken Crow himself about Sarah Palin’s upcoming speech at “Restoring America” and about Ken Crow’s own naiveness.


“I’m naive when it comes to politics and what you are supposed to say to and not say and my crew and I are rookies at this sort of thing,” he said. “We made mistakes and now we are fixing them. It’s all good.” 


Earlier this week, the media reported that Sarah Palin would not be speaking at the big annual Tea Party bash on Sunday, which was the root of all the confusion. I don’t know what you think, but I wish the hard-nosed media would take it easy on the Tea Party. The Tea Party is new to this political game, after all and is almost proud of their ignorance of the political process. 


Of course, the media has been reporting speculation from Karl Rove about whether or not Sarah Palin is jumping into the 2012 presidential race. Some pundits, including me, are speculating that Karl Rove may be pulling more than a few strings behind the scenes in the Republican nomination process and now might be trying to wield influence over the Tea Party as well. 


Karl Rove is used to being important and is the man behind a great deal of money in this presidential campaign. (Read HERE about the Supreme Court decision which gives corporations much more opportunities to donate to political campaigns and HERE about Karl Rove’s plans to take advantage of this decision.)


While there is no evidence yet that there is in fact a Karl Rove-Sarah Palin alliance, there is every reason to believe that Karl Rove will support whatever popularity she has.