Following the Caucuses

Following the Caucuses

it continues to be close

From Des Moines, Iowa:  Tuesday night's caucuses were like a great basketball game, but with much higher stakes.  Following the pattern of the pre-caucus cycle, the turnovers continued throughout the evening hours.  As last Saturday's poll showed 41% of registered voters were still undecided, it should not have been a surprise that the night ended without one solid winner.  One percent of the precincts had not yet clocked in with their results.


Currently, it is an almost-even tie between Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney, with Ron Paul not far behind.  Iowa's own native Michelle Bachmann trailed with only a single-digit percentage.  We are told we will have to wait until morning to find out whether Santorum or Romney will take Iowa.  At last check, Rick Santorum was ahead by only five votes.  Hopefully not many of Romney's supporters noticed Romney's mispronunciation of the word 'inalienable' during his speech. 


Not surprisingly, Jon Huntsman was barely visible.  In saying he did not really care about tonight's results, he was quoted as saying "They pick corn in Iowa--  they pick presidents in New Hampshire."  His viewpoint--  and the expression thereof--  did not seem to go over very well in the local area. 


As it stands, it is impossible to know which of the two frontrunners will have victory on Wednesday morning.  However, if Huntsman's comment is any indication of accuracy, the Iowa caucusus is only the first step.  Ron Paul still has the chance to rise back to the top.  So it's on to New Hampshire--  and let's win this!!!